Monday, 6 September 2010

Glittering the Lancia

  • 6kg industrial epoxy resin glue - check
  • 15KG Mixed gold/red glitter - check
  • Dozens of cheap paintbrushes and paint trays - check
  • Hair Dryer and scrap cardboard - check
  • One willing subject (the car) - check
  • 7 budding glitterers - check!
Let the fun begin.....
A word of warning - Epoxy resin is potent stuff and can restrict breathing if not handled correctly. Always mix in a well ventilated area, with suitable breathing apparatus where necessary. Otherwise things can get....."hazy".... 

So, with that little lot organised, all that remained was to start mixing the first batch of glue, and begin applying it liberally to the beige paintwork of the Beta.

A messy job. So messy in fact that we had to employ a streetcleaner to sort out the yard afterwards as the company next door (an injection mould plastics company) was getting rather hot under the collar.

A few more pictures below:

Using the industry standard "blow it on with a hair dryer" method
Adding a professional hammerite finish to the crown
When in doubt - glue!
We are available for hire.
Action shot of the now recognised hair dryer method
The finished article!
The aftermath and bribing a local Veolia guy to clean our yard.

So glitter done, we are pretty much set. But will the glitter stay on?


1 comment:

  1. A great way to spend the bank holiday! Roll on the 16th!


Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors

1: Ourselves! + its customers have donated £250 to our cause.

2: Technovation, a UK based Conference Production company, donated £150 to our cause. Thanks Technovation!

3: Our accountants, Quest Duthoit, generously donated £125.

4: Kerry @ Red Grape Records and Management (who happens to be married to Calum, no less) kindly donated £100!

5: Phill Brown, music producer extraordinaire has kindly donated £100. His book is out soon. Check out

6: Denis @ Skye Mastering - ooh - another legendary music business name - has donated £250 to our cause! Thanks Skye Mastering!

7: WPS (Word Processing Services), a lovely family run printers just round the corner from our High Wycombe warehouse. They printed our posters and flyers free of charge. What lovely people!

For more information on our charitable donations, please see