Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Staples2Naples 2010 Naples awards ceremony and closing meal

So - Staples2Naples 2010 had come to an end. All that remained was to find out the scores of the various challenges along the way and find the winner. 1st place would win £1,000, 2nd place £350 and 3rd place £125! We met at Don Salvatore's Pizzeria in the centre of town for dinner which was great and started on the beers.

Having a beer on the terrace of our hotel before dinner
Light saber nuns
A view over Naples bay
Nigel and his friend and some of the other people on the rally
restaurant packed with rallying people
More people!
Justin and Karin the organisers about to announce the results
The ZX boys taking second place
The skoda boys winning "best banger". Rightfully deserved.
So, time for first prize then:

YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats right! Team 369 MacColl Media in the Leg has won Staples2Naples 2010. £1,000 more for the MNDA. Funds will be settled directly in December. What a great end to a great event.


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Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors

1: Ourselves! + its customers have donated £250 to our cause.

2: Technovation, a UK based Conference Production company, donated £150 to our cause. Thanks Technovation!

3: Our accountants, Quest Duthoit, generously donated £125.

4: Kerry @ Red Grape Records and Management (who happens to be married to Calum, no less) kindly donated £100!

5: Phill Brown, music producer extraordinaire has kindly donated £100. His book is out soon. Check out

6: Denis @ Skye Mastering - ooh - another legendary music business name - has donated £250 to our cause! Thanks Skye Mastering!

7: WPS (Word Processing Services), a lovely family run printers just round the corner from our High Wycombe warehouse. They printed our posters and flyers free of charge. What lovely people!

For more information on our charitable donations, please see